Yandina 150
YADCA is a proud supporter of Yandina’s 150th anniversary, and YADCA President Nigel Anns represented our association at the official commemoration ceremony on 22 September at the Cenotaph Reserve in Yandina.
He was one of seven people who signed the 150th Commemoration Declaration which was sealed inside a special time capsule containing photos, documents and keepsakes from today for future generations.
The other signatories were: Gubbi Gubbi elder Les Muckan, Sunshine Coast Mayor Mark Jamieson, Division 10 Councillor David Law, Federal Member for Fairfax Ted O’Brien, State Member for Nicklin Marty Hunt, and Yandina Chamber of Commerce President John O’Leary.
The eventual site for the time capsule is yet to be decided, but a commemorative plaque has been placed in the Cenotaph Reserve in Stevens Street, Yandina.
We Are The People Of Yandina
Our history is not without blemish but we are strong in who we are becoming. We have overcome obstacles and found a way ahead, standing firm on our histories and looking forward with hope and excitement.
We are industrious and respectful, a passionate people who are prepared to stand up in the face of injustice and fight for what is right.
We value our families, seeking to be kind and caring, supporting each other and striving for empowerment, peace and respect.
We hold in balance industry and lifestyle. We seek a parity in population growth and environment. We embrace our environment and our business together, holding tightly to the aim of maintaining production and residential in equilibrium.
We value our sport and recreational pursuits, enjoying nature and all that our town and region has to offer. We are connected to our place through our Traditional Owners, our farms, our creativity, our history, and our recreation, valuing this world’s beauty and the secrets being revealed.
We value our creativity in our personal and business pursuits, as we seek to find new approaches to build on our old paths. We look to find the best in what we have and to improve what is around us.
We commit to work with all levels of government, commerce and community to continue the growth of our town, holding tightly to the balance of prosperity and conservation.
We commit to support each other as a town and community.
We dedicate ourselves to supporting and empowering our community to reach the highest possible individual, corporate, and community achievements.
On this day, the celebration of our 150th anniversary, 22nd of September 2020.